
Showing posts from 2017

Error 1001: Installation of AOS component for Dynamics AX 2012 R3 on windows server 2012

While installing AOS component in Ax 2012 R3, I came across this error: After a couple of days untiring work I finally came to installed AOS component. Problem: When the Dynamics AX 2012 AOS is installed, it is creates a new Eventlog for the Workflow Service i.e.  Microsoft Dynamics AX Workflow,  but in this scenerio it does not which is causing this problem as reported from log file. Solution:  1. I opened log file, which specify this info 2017-09-12 11:10:11Z >>Install: Only the first eight characters of a custom log name are significant, and there is already another log on the system using the first eight characters of the name given. Name given: 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Workflow', name of existing log: 'Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance/Operational'. I was able to install the Dynamics AX 2012 AOS by renaming the existing conflicting Eventlog name from the registry editor: Renaming as above would create 'Microsoft Dynamics Ax Workflow': Now ...

Passing Arg from MenuItem to JOB/Class

Passing Arg from MenuItem to JOB/Class To pass args from MenuItem to desired Class/Job : On MenuItem Button properties give the Datasource Name of which your desired arguments have  Write Below code on MenuItem Clicked() 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 void clicked() { //super(); MenuFunction menuFunction; args args = new Args(); ; args.record(PurchRFQCaseTable); menuFunction = new menufunction(identifierstr(RFQExport), MenuItemType::Action);; PurchRFQCaseTable_ds.research(true); } Below code in class/Job 1 PurchRFQCaseTable = _args.record();

Another instance of CIL generation is already in progress

Another instance of CIL generation is already in progress If AX crashes while doing a full CIL, a record is left behind that does not allow CIL again and gives the Another instance of CIL generation is already in progress. You can delete the record from SysLastValueTable. It has UserID = '-AutoSem' and ElementName = 'Cil Generation'.

Export Import Model example in Ax 2012

Using Export command then no space should exists in your model name but if you have blank space in model name then single quote is required. Example of Exporting model Export-AXModel –Model 'Model1' -File d:\model1.axmodel Example of Importing Model Install-AXModel -File d:\Model1.axmodel -Details Example to delete Model Uninstall-AXModel -Model "USR Model" To execute above command you need to open Microsoft Dynamics AX Management Shell. x

Installing DynamicsAxEnterprisePortal feature... Failed to find the XML file at location

The following error/warning occurred:Setup encountered an error during deployment of the Role Center and Enterprise Portal framework. In SysEPDeployment::clrGenerateProxies... In SysEPDeployment::clrStoreDeleteFolder... Deploying proxies...Complete Deploying All Web Parts...Complete Installing DynamicsAxEnterprisePortal feature... Failed to find the XML file at location '14\Template\Features\DynamicsAxEnterprisePortal\feature.xml' Failed to find the XML file at location '14\Template\Features\DynamicsAxEnterprisePortal\feature.xml' Fixed by following steps: Open regedit and find this key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions On SharePoint 2010 environments you can have both 14.0 and 15.0 keys, and the 15.0 key typically has a single "Csom" sybkey. If this is true for your machine rename the 15.0 key to 15.0_newname and try to rerun EP install To avoid any issues revert the key rename after EP ...

Dynamics AX Enterprise portal issue : Could not retrieve a valid Windows identity message

If you are getting this message when installing Enterprise Portal in 2012 " Server was unable to process request. ---> Could not retrieve a valid Windows identity. ---> The message could not be dispatched because the service at the endpoint address 'net.pipe://localhost/s4u/022694f3-9fbd-422b-b4b2-312e25dae2a2' is unavailable for the protocol of the address. " it's because of a stopped service in SharePoint. Simply go to  SharePoint Central Administration -> System Settings > Manage services on server  and start the  Claims to Windows Token Service .