
Showing posts from April, 2017

Another instance of CIL generation is already in progress

Another instance of CIL generation is already in progress If AX crashes while doing a full CIL, a record is left behind that does not allow CIL again and gives the Another instance of CIL generation is already in progress. You can delete the record from SysLastValueTable. It has UserID = '-AutoSem' and ElementName = 'Cil Generation'.

Export Import Model example in Ax 2012

Using Export command then no space should exists in your model name but if you have blank space in model name then single quote is required. Example of Exporting model Export-AXModel –Model 'Model1' -File d:\model1.axmodel Example of Importing Model Install-AXModel -File d:\Model1.axmodel -Details Example to delete Model Uninstall-AXModel -Model "USR Model" To execute above command you need to open Microsoft Dynamics AX Management Shell. x