Creating Batch jobs using RunBaseBatch when importing data from a CSV file.

First create a new class and extend it from RunBaseBatch. i.e. class DemoBatchJob extends RunbaseBatch{}

In the class declaration add the following.

class DemoBatchJob extends RunbaseBatch
  DialogRunbase    dlg;
  DialogField       _file;

  FilenameOpen   file;
 file              //file variable is to keep in track the CSV file path for the batch job

Override the pack method. 

 public container pack()
   return [#CurrentVersion, #CurrentList];

Override the unpack method.

 public boolean unpack(container _packedClass)
   Integer version = RunBase::getVersion(_packedClass);
   switch (version)
       case #CurrentVersion:
           [version, #CurrentList] = _packedClass;
           return false;
   return true;

Override the dialog method.

 protected Object dialog() 
  dlg = super();
    dlg.addText('Please select csv file:');
    _file = dlg.addField(ExtendedTypeStr(FilenameOpen));
    return dlg;

getFromDialog :

 public boolean getFromDialog()
        boolean ret;
         ret = super();
         file = _file.value();
          return ret;

Override validate method:

 public boolean validate(Object calledFrom = null)
   boolean ret;
    ret = super(calledFrom);
      if (_file.value() == '')
        warning('File path must be filled in.');
        ret = false;
          return ret;
Here validate method will validate that the file is selected or not if not then it will show the warning.

 Override construct:

 public static DemoBatchJob construct()
  return new DemoBatchJob();

Override the run method.

 public void run()
       if (strLwr(subStr(file,strLen(file)-2,3)) == 'csv')    //in this case it would be to import a csv file.
         permission = new FileIOPermission(file,#io_read);
         commaTextIo = new CommaTextIO(file,'R');
         containFromRead =;
   //logic goes here i.e. as per requirement

commaTextIo = null;
info("Records inserted"));
   throw error('Not a valid csv file.');

Create the static main method.

 public static void main(Args _args)
    DemoBatchJob demoBatchJob =DemoBatchJob::construct();

       if (DemoBatchJob.prompt())


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